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Friday, February 27, 2009

eScholarship Editions

The eScholarship Editions collection includes almost 2000 books from academic presses on a range of topics, including art, science, history, music, religion, and fiction. Over 500 titles are available to the public.

Recommended FREE books:

1. Ezra Pound and the Remaking of American Poetic Tradition - by Christopher Beach

2. Suggestion and Covert Meaning in the Works of Dryden, Swift, Pope, and Austen - by Irvin Ehrenpreis

3. America at Century's End - edited by Alan Wolfe

4. Asceticism and Society in Crisis. John of Ephesus and the Lives of the Eastern Saints - by Susan Ashbrook Harvey

5. Authors of Their Own Lives. Intellectual Autobiographies by Twenty American Sociologists - Edited by Bennett M. Berger

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Power of Film Translation

"The Power of Film Translation" by Agnieszka Szarkowska is an interesting article in which the author presents the major modes of film translation, their world distribution and history, followed by an analysis of dubbing and subtitling from the perspective of domestication and foreignisation.
(Agnieszka Szarkowska graduated with an MA degree from the Institute of English Studies, Warsaw University. Now a PhD student at her alma mater, she is working on her doctoral dissertation and teaching English-Polish translation.)
Click on the following link to read the full article:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

L’acte de traduction

by Mathieu Dosse
"L’un des plus importants penseurs contemporains de la traduction nous a laissé une œuvre de taille réduite. Si l’on omet nombre d’articles, nous n’avions jusqu’à présent accès qu’à trois livres d’Antoine Berman, dont un posthume. Une œuvre restreinte, certes, mais essentielle : chacun des ces livres, à sa manière, explore sous un prisme différent la pensée de la traduction. L’Auberge du lointain, court et didactique, complète à merveille L’Épreuve de l’étranger, dont la portée ne cesse de se confirmer au fil des années ; quant à l’ouvrage posthume, paru en 1995, Pour une critique des traduction : John Donne, la plupart des traductologues s’accordent à dire que Berman y a esquissé les contours d’une analyse moderne des traductions (ne mettant pas systématiquement en avant la négativité de la traduction), et posé dans le même mouvement les jalons d’une pensée contemporaine de la traduction où pratique, critique et réflexion se complètent."
(Click on the following link to read the entire article:
FREE preview of Berman's L’Auberge du lointain available on Google Books - in English (click on the title!):

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

BBC Video: Five Minutes with Martin Amis

Celebrities and news-makers get grilled in exactly five minutes by Matthew Stadlen in a series for the BBC News website.Click the following link to go the BBC website and watch the video: